The #1 App for
Analyzing Properties
You’ll never need spreadsheets or another analysis app again...
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14 Day Free Trial
$18 / Month
Product available for immiediate use. Recurring monthly subscription.
Deal Analysis
Calculate profitability on real estate deals.
Build Budgets
Prepare custom budgets to estimate the cost of your project.
Get the financial metrics you need to make investment decisions.
Budget Templates
Load budget templates for simple fixes or more advanced projects.
Ideal For:
We’re worried about Your Bottom Line
That’s why our web application provides:
Advanced Logic
Visualizations, customization and more insight into your deal.
More Costs
Get a better understanding of where your money is going.
Timeline Insights
Visualize your timeline. See how changes in your project timeline impact your profitability and cash flow.
Digitalize Your Workflow
Save Projects
Save projects, track projects and manage your acquisitions.
Access Anywhere
Access on your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phone.
Track Goals
Set goals, monitor progress and track your portfolio value
Prepare Reports
Create financial reports, budgets and marketing flyers.
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